Wanna help?


If you would like to donate funds in Canada, click here. You will be issued out a tax receipt (as allowed by law). For donations outside of Canada, contact us and we’ll show you how to do that (as it’s different for different countries).


The best way to help. A prayer support email is sent out every month. If you would like to receive them, let us know using the Contact page. If you would like us to pray for you, contact us and we’ll gladly do that. God answers!


Our growth has been mostly through word of mouth and co-signs. If you know someone that might be interested, please do connect us.


What we do isn’t easy and we could always use kind words, resources, and volunteering to keep going. Feel free to contact us to do that.

Our Partners:

Those who serve us are committed to the essential truths of Biblical Christianity.


Youth Pastor